Advanced Programming for the Java 2 Platform
Author(s) : Calvin Austin, Monica Pawlan
Publication date : September 2000
ISBN : 0-201-71501-5
Publisher : Addison Wesley Professional
As an experienced developer on the Java platform, you undoubtedly know how fast moving and comprehensive the platform is. Its many application programming interfaces (APIs) provide a wealth of functionality for all aspects of application and system-level programming. Real-world developers never use one or two APIs to solve a problem, but bring together key functionality spanning a number of APIs. Knowing which APIs you need, which parts of which APIs you need, and how the APIs work together to create the best solution can be a daunting task.
To help you navigate the Java APIs and fast-track your project development time, this book includes the design, development, test, and deployment phases for an enterprise-worthy auction application. While the example application does not cover every possible programming scenario, it explores many common situations and the discussions leave you with a solid methodology for designing and building your own solutions.
This book is for developers with more than a beginning level of understanding of writing programs in the Java programming language. The example application is written with the Java® 2 platform APIs and explained in terms of functional hows and whys, so if you need help installing the Java platform, setting up your environment, or getting your first application to work, you should first read a more introductory book.Download
Inside The Java Virtual Machine, 2nd Edition
Author(s) : Bill Venners
Publication date : 2000
ISBN : 0-07-135093-4
Pages : 624
Publisher : McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
The second edition of Bill Venners' Inside the Java Virtual Machine, winner of a 1998 Java Report Writers Choice Award, is now available in bookstores. Inside the Java Virtual Machine explains Java's architecture and internals, and several Java APIs closely tied to the virtual machine, to Java programmers. Reading this book will help you gain a deeper understanding of Java technology, and in the process, help you become more effective at Java programming. This new edition is fully revised for Java 2, and includes much new material on a variety of JVM topics
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Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition
Author(s) : Bruce Eckel
Publication Date : December 6, 2002
ISBN : 0131002872
Pages : 1119
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Java Thin-Client Programming
This redbook focuses primarily on topics such as threading, from a Java thin client programming perspective. Also, because these applications are in a multi-user environment, security issues will be covered. The use of CORBA on the network-computing environment is also introduced. Java programming issues, such as object recycling and serialization, are necessary topics to consider when dealing with client/server applications. When an application is developed under the object-oriented paradigm, an introduction to simple concepts of model/view programming techniques will help the reader. Last, but not least, the basics techniques and tools required for profile applications are presented.
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